Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?

Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much? Dogs seem to be the most playful & active while playing games, interacting with other pet dogs in the park, and running around with their owners. Such activities can be tiresome for the dogs and they will always look to have some sleep to get themselves charged and refreshed.

However, the dogs have a different sleep cycle than expected. Some dog owners often worry about why their dogs sleep so much. Is there something uneven or is it very common? Let’s dive in to get answers to such questions. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Peaches?

why do dogs sleep so much

why do dogs sleep so much

How much sleep do dogs generally need?

Counting on normally, a dog needs a minimum of half-day sleep, that is 12 hours of sleep. To elaborate a little more in mathematical terms, dogs spend 80% of their time either sleeping or lying around lazily, and the rest 20% in their daily activities. The sleep duration varies from dog to dog. 12 hours of sleep is not valid for all dogs as it differs based on their breed, age, activity, and health.

Let’s have a look at several different factors that decide a dog’s sleeping schedule.

  • Dog’s Age:

With growing age, dogs get much more prone to a long sleep. Puppies and older dogs need more sleep to strengthen their activity than young adult dogs. Puppies spend their whole day playing, jumping, and exploring new things. Hence they need adequate rest and sleep else they may become weak and inactive. Dogs that have grown older have gained weight too. At such an age it is difficult to stay awake for a longer time doing daily activities. Therefore, they too require a minimum of 13-14 hours of sleep.

  • Dog’s Breed:

Giant breeds like Newfoundland, Great Pyrenees, and other bigger dogs require more shuteye. Their weight and rigorous daily activities make their daily living hectic and tiresome for which they need to sleep more to regain their lost energy. Some hefty breeds like Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, border collies are used for different works and outdoor chores, like hunting & flushing, search & rescue operations under the police, as mascots, guiding masters, etc. Such dogs that are occupied in different jobs do not tend to sleep more like the sedentary pets. 

  • Dog’s Health:

A living being is always subjected to face health issues in their ongoing life and it’s quite normal. Similarly, dogs can also face health hazards, and just like humans, they also tend to sleep more in case they are not feeling well. Lethargy, obesity, and vomiting are some of the common dog health problems that make them sleep more than normal. If the changed sleeping cycle persists longer than expected, it is recommended to visit your vet before things get messed up and serious.

  • Dog’s Activities:

Dogs are playful and there’s no doubt in that. Every dog of any kind of breed likes to socialize and perform some daily activities. The tiredness they undergo after such activities makes them use their leisure time perfectly by taking short naps in between the day. Playing ball games under a hot sun can exhaust them which will make them look for a pleasurable sleep under a cool atmosphere. Hence, such factors emerging from their daily activities are ideally responsible for long sleeping habits.

When to worry about their sleeping habits?

Dogs can be lazy and can doze quite often a day and it can be your dog’s common characteristic too. In such a case, should the long sleep of your dog concern you? 

Below are some factors that can worry you with your dog’s long sleep.

  • Change in sleeping pattern:

If you find any odds against your dog’s sleeping schedule, you should consult your vet as soon as possible. For example, dogs never sleep for a long duration, they just take short naps. If they are sleeping straight for 3 to 4 hours, that means there’s something that is troubling your dog, either physically or mentally. Hence, never ignore approaching your vet in such a dramatic change in sleeping patterns. Never!

  • Slow wake-up:

If your dog is taking too much time in getting up after you have woken it up, then it’s a matter of serious concern too. Normal dogs, even if they sleep too much, wake up quickly with lots of enthusiasm as if they have seen some snacks in front of them. But if this is uncommon in your dog, then there’s some other reason behind that long sleep.

  • Negligence towards exercise:

Dogs that sleep too much also do exercises and other activities too much. They never deny playing or walking in the park but in case they are showing tolerance and negligence towards such exercises, then the dog must be going through some serious health issues which are making them sleep more and more.

Some other factors that can make you worry about your dog’s long sleeping schedule are:

  • Ignorance toward food and drinks
  • Sleeping suddenly in between an activity (Narcolepsy in medical terms)
  • Increased aggression and fearfulness
  • Too much laziness than before
  • Restless even after the sleep


Don’t compare your dogs with humans. They ideally sleep more than humans and it’s their natural habit. There are several reasons and factors that are responsible for it. As a dog owner, you should not panic after seeing your dog’s long sleeping schedule and if that’s worrying you, it will be a good sign if you approach your vet to know more about your dog’s sleeping habits.

But meanwhile, you should also keep a closer look at their activities as well. Long sleep just doesn’t mean that your dog likes to doze off quite often, it can also be some serious health issues your dog may be facing and it’s unnoticed to you.

Hope this read has brought a clear discussion about the dog’s sleeping schedule!