Top 5 Black Dog Breeds

Before we begin listing the Top 5 Black Dog Breeds, let’s talk about the color “Black” in general. Black is often regarded to be a classy color or often as ill-fated. But how far does this color concern us when we are talking about dogs?

Honestly speaking, dogs of all colors look adorable. In the dog world, you would find the majority of the dogs to have black skin or black coated fur for the simple reason that black is a very dominant gene. Also, read Top 10 Big White Fluffy Dog Breeds

How do people symbolize black dogs?

From the perspective of dog owners, black dogs are often scrutinized as a bad omen and sophisticated animals while some consider them as proud, elegant, and dignified pets. Black dogs are said to be daring and scary because of their look and general description. However, dogs, be it of any color, black, partially black, red-brown, yellow-brown or any other color, have their different characteristics and it wholly depends upon how they are raised and taken care of. The color of the skin purely relies on the pigmentation of the skin and you can’t make any alterations to this natural trait.

Black dogs are mysterious and mesmerizing because of their bold look and thus we have made a list of top black dog breeds which will help you out in selection.

Top 5 Black Dog Breeds

1) Black Russian Terrier

black dog breeds

Black Dog Breeds – Black Russian Terrier

Black Russian Terrier itself includes the word ‘black’, hence there’s no doubt why this breed is encompassed in the list of top black dog breeds. This black Russian terrier somewhat resembles Giant Schnauzer. It has a similar body outline like that of Giant Schnauzer with long beards and mustaches and it feels like they all are dipped in black color, such a lustrous black fur, and skin it has. These dogs need special training under professional trainers because of their strong-willed bodies and working character. They have thick, beautiful, and solid black coats and thus require regular washing, brushing, and combing of the coat of fur.

2) Labrador Retriever

black dog breeds

Black Dog Breeds – Labrador Retriever

This breed of dogs can come in several different colors like yellow, chocolaty, or brown but the most prominent color of these dogs is black. Other colored Labs apart from the black ones are said to have recessive genes and thus are not ideally remembered or adopted.  Hence, you can clearly make out the fact how much people admire black breed dogs and especially the black labs. Labrador’s are the most popular black dog breeds and it always draws a special attraction from its looks and friendly nature.

3) Black Cane Corso

black dog breeds

Black Dog Breeds – Black Cane Corso

There is Cane Corso that is seen in various colors and then there is Black Cane Corso, standing unique from all the other colored dogs. Cani Corsi(plural of Cane Corso) were widely used for hunting and top-notch security escorts. Their strength and courage within and their perfectly-looking polished black skin combines to put on an aggressive look. Cani Corsi can strike fear into the eyes of people who aren’t friendly with black breed dogs. They are threatening with their bold looks and physique but can be very friendly and socially stable if trained appropriately.

4) Pug



The pug is one of the happiest, cutest, and most affectionate breeds. They are premium dogs that originated from China, which means you have to pay a huge sum to get these dogs. They appear as an all-black coat dog but not a long-haired breed. If you are planning to keep it as your pet, you have to make sure that you are not in a hot & humid climate region because pugs are sick to such a climate. This black pug is rarer and thus can be expensive but even then you can think of getting it because of its loyal nature and friendly companionship.

5) Great Dane

great dane

Great Dane

Great Dane is a German dog breed and nowadays is considered to be one of the best family dogs. They are slim and tall and can surpass the average human height when they stand on their hind legs. They used to be hunters but with time they lost their hunting instinct and aggression and now have become safe pet dogs. A skinny black coating with a lean height showers their pride, elegance, and charm to a top-notch level.

Other black dog breeds you can consider: 

There are still many black dog breeds that have failed to make it into this list. Some may have partially black skin or some are subjected to lose their color with age. But anyways, if you are looking for black dogs, you should be open to many options too.

Hence, you can even consider the below named breeds that are always or sometimes black:

  • Standard Poodle
  • Black Pitbull
  • Doberman Pinscher
  • Schipperke
  • Newfoundland
  • Neapolitan Mastiff
  • Belgian Sheepdog
  • Black German Shepherd
  • Afghan Hound
  • Puli

Final Thoughts on Black Dog Breeds

 Adopting and raising a black puppy is quite a normal thing and you should not get influenced by others’ opinions. It is not a good sign of being color biased, as color doesn’t make a dog into a good living being, it’s all your training, care, and nurture that makes them a perfect friendly pet.

There are many glorious blacks dogs, having curly, deep, short, long, and flat-coated fur. Whatever breed you are looking forward to buying, be assured that you need to offer them regular grooming and cleaning to maintain their shiny blackie outline. Every dog of the black breed would have distinct characteristics and you need to make sure that it must settle down nicely and peacefully with you and your family causing no problems in the future.