Can Dogs Have Apples?

Apple has been one of the most popular fruits and they are extremely healthy with many benefits, which are scientifically proven. Apples are nutritious, good for weight loss, can prevent cancer, are good for your heart, fight asthma, improve bone health, protect the brain, and much more. But the question is can dogs eat apples too? Are they comfortable enough to have an apple treat? Will there be any harmful effect on them if they eat apples?

Fruits have always been human’s first choice for a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle but unlike humans, a dog’s digestive system has a different way of functioning. Let’s read to find out whether apples are safe for your dogs or not. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Mango?

can dogs have apples

can dogs have apples Image

Focusing on apples, is it safe for dogs to eat apples?

The answer is yes, apples are delicious and healthy snacks for dogs that can help them to keep their breath fresh and teeth clean. So basically, dogs can eat apples but only if they are given in the proper quantity and a proper manner.

Benefits of serving apples to your dog:

If you are thinking of feeding apples to your dog then it is a good choice because it adds vitamin A, vitamin C, and dietary fiber to their diet. The fiber in apples is good for dogs’ total gastrointestinal health which can help them in a happy poop. Vitamin C helps to cure joint disease whereas vitamin A is good for the eyesight, skin, and coat health of your dogs.

  • Apples can be served as small snacks besides your dog’s normal food. It can be a good substitute for a low protein or low-calorie diet. Since it is good for bones, apples can improve your dog’s gut health.
  • Not only humans, but dogs also suffer badly from allergies. When your dog keeps scratching their skin because of itching, it can transfer allergies to humans as well. So apples can also relieve allergies. Apples are a good source of quercetin, which helps in fighting harmful allergic cells and preventing their spread.
  • It is important to protect your dog from the negative effects of free radicals. Free radicals can build up in the body which can cause inflammation, leading to premature aging and chronic diseases. The vitamins in apples can protect your dog from damaged cells by providing your dog antioxidants, which fight and eliminate those toxic radicals.
  • Pectin, the dissolved fiber in apples, can reduce the quantity of sugar and calories that soaks into the bloodstream after any meal, which prevents your dog from getting overweight. It is good for preventing diabetes and also it doesn’t contain any injected sugar. Keep balance in feeding your dog fruits, nothing excessive is good for their health.
  • Apples are plant-based protein, which has a negligible amount of fatty acids, which makes them extra beneficial for your carnivorous animal. It keeps the cholesterol under level and is good for overweight dogs, especially for those who are suffering from kidney issues.
  • Apples are a good source of water. Your dog needs necessary hydration during hot summer days. So, feeding apples to your dog during the summer season will be a very good move.

How can apples be dangerous for dogs?

Fruits like apples which are nutritious and also beneficial for dogs can also be dangerous for your dogs if they are not fed properly. So have a look at how apples cannot be good for dogs.

  • Don’t feed excessive apples. Keep the quantity moderate because if you feed apples to your dog in huge numbers, then they can create gastrointestinal problems.
  • You should look for seeds and cores before feeding apples to your dogs. They can not be digested easily by the dogs and can make them uncomfortable.
  • Seeds contain toxic traces of cyanide. If they swallow some seeds, it can cause cyanide poisoning and it can harm your dog. So as not to risk your dog’s health, remove the seeds before you feed your dog apples.
  • Apple’s stems can also be dangerous, so it’s better to remove them too.
  • The core of the apple can be difficult for most dogs to chew, so it can cause a choking hazard and even cause a gastrointestinal blockage if they swallow it anyhow.
  • Apples contain sugar, though natural sugar, but even then serve them in a moderate amount. For the dogs who are suffering from diabetes or cancer, sugar in apples can cause problems.
  • Even for healthy dogs, too many apples can cause them diarrhea and other stomach problems.
  • Before you feed your dog any human food, reading levels are a must. Apple flavored products often contain sugar, chemicals, or artificial flavors which are toxic and not healthy for dogs.
  • Choose organic apples, apples found in supermarkets are often coated with substances to make them shine. So, wash fruits before serving them to your dogs.
  • If you observe any allergic reaction in your dog after eating apples like sneezing, coughing, or throat swelling, it’s best to stop giving your dog apples and contact your vet straight away, because these situations can be very critical for dogs.
  • Last but not the least, always feed apples in small cubes and not large pieces. Large pieces can cause choking hazards if dogs are unable to swallow them comfortably.

 How to feed apples to dogs?

  • Apples won’t hurt your dog but it is important to feed your dog apples according to their size.
  • Wash off apples before feeding them to your dogs so that you eliminate any kind of chemical from their skin.
  • Cut them into small slices, remove the seeds and the core and then serve it in small amounts at first and can, later on, increase the amount.
  • Don’t feed rotten apples. That can be dangerous and extremely unhealthy.

So, after reading this article, I hope you got an idea of the good and bad sides of feeding apples to your dogs. Apple can be a good food to include in your dog’s diet but it is important to consult your vet for important precautions so that your dog won’t go through any serious health problems after consuming it. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?