Can Dogs Eat Tuna?

Tuna is a type of fish that is packed with so many nutrients, healthy fats, and acids. It is a portion of great nutritious food and very delicious too if cooked properly! If you are a dog lover and have a lovely pet dog in your home, you must be worried about the health and safety of the food it has been fed. Tuna is one of the healthiest fish full of nutrients, but just like humans, Can Dogs Eat Tuna?

Let’s read to find out if tuna is safe enough to include in your dog’s diet. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Shrimp?

Can Dogs Eat Tuna

Can Dogs Eat Tuna? Image

Should you feed your dog tuna? 

Tuna is safe for your dog if eaten in moderation and in an adequate amount. We can confirm its safety as it is highly used in some dog products proving that tuna fish is healthy and safe for canine consumption. 

Dogs can gain numerous health benefits by eating tuna, some of which are mentioned below.

Health benefits your dog can gain from eating Tuna:


Tuna fish, like all other fishes, is rich in protein. This is the reason why pet owners prefer adding to their dog’s diet. Protein helps to build your dog’s muscle and also protects against bad fat, which is responsible for causing obesity and other health issues.

Vitamin B3, B6, and B12: 

These vitamins help improve the energy level of the dog and increase the metabolism rate in their body.

Potassium and magnesium: 

Potassium and magnesium help in enhancing tissue health and cellular muscles. 


It contributes to improving bone strength density.


This helps to strengthen up the joints and boost the immune system.

Omega-3 fatty acids:

These acids present in the tuna fish helps to promote clear eyesight, maintain a healthy coat, and reduce inflammation in their joints.

So long tuna doesn’t lead to any negative reactions in your dog, you can continue feeding it to them. However, some dogs may show allergic reactions or unhealthy indications after consuming tuna. Let’s look at some of the potential health hazards of tuna in your dog. 

The Bad Side of Tuna:

You already know that tuna serves many health benefits, only if it is fed in moderation, else it may become a staple food for your dog. The reason is that tuna fish contains mercury, it is a rich source of mercury in fact! Eating tuna in large quantities will make the dogs build up mercury with time, which will lead to many health issues. 

Hence, it becomes important for dog owners to have a close watch on how much tuna they eat at a time, to prevent mercury poisoning and other lethal problems associated with it. 

More light on Mercury Poisoning: 

As said, consuming too much mercury will lead to mercury poisoning but how would a dog owner know if he has been subjected to this problem? 

Let’s see some common issues that indicate mercury poisoning in your dog. 

  • Blindness 
  • Hair loss
  • Anxiety 
  • Loss of coordination 
  • Tremors 
  • Bloody vomit 

If you encounter any of the above-mentioned symptoms in your dog, take it to the vet right away for treatment. 

How can you serve tuna to your dog? 

If you are looking to serve tuna to your dog, there are some important points you need to keep in mind beforehand. 

  • Buy tuna in stakes and always try to feed your dog either steamed, grilled, or baked tuna. It is advised not to mix any kind of seasonings or any other food additives that can harm your dog’s health. Salt can be added to bring taste to the dish but be sure not to exceed the limit. 
  • Always keep in mind to remove all the bones from the fish before serving it to your dog. The bones of the fish are small and thin but still, they are dangerous enough to harm your dog’s inner organs. Dogs may swallow the thin bones which can rupture or penetrate the inner lining of the digestive tract and food pipe, causing intestinal blockage or aggravation. 
  • Remember to remove the fins, tail, and head of the tuna fish before serving it to your dog. These body parts can result in choking hazards for the dog and can lead to intestinal obstruction and blockage in the esophagus. It can also cause potential oral trauma.
  • If you don’t have enough idea of cooking, it is advised that you feed canned tuna to your dog, but keep in mind that there are no added flavorings or seasonings in it. 

How much tuna you should serve to your dog? 

Tuna, rich in many nutrients and other essential healthy constituents makes it a perfect addition to a dog’s diet. Since it is rich in mercury too, so it makes the dog owners think of the right quantity that should ideally be fed to the dog to prevent any health hazards. 

  • Ideally, you can feed 1 can of tuna to large breed dogs in one week but keep in mind that you don’t feed it every week. 
  • Small dogs should be given tuna fish rarely in the beginning to monitor any kind of allergies or unhealthy indication. 
  • Don’t include tuna as a regular meal in a dog’s diet. Keep it an occasional treat so that your dog doesn’t get addicted to its taste.

Final Thoughts: 

Now that the answer to your question, “Can Dogs Eat Tuna?” is clear it’s safe to say that tuna fish can be added to your dog’s diet and you should definitely add it without any late. It is protein-rich, contains many healthy nutrients, and other essential acids that help support the immune system of your dog. 

Though it contains a harmful substance called mercury, even then it is a great and safe treat for a dog if it is served in adequate proportion, keeping in mind all the safety measures. 

So do not wait! Just go to the market, buy a can of tuna fish and serve it to your dog. It is guaranteed that your dog would like its taste and will enjoy eating it.