Can Dogs Eat Pistachios?

Humans go after all types of healthy snacks and dry fruits to live a healthy life ahead. Some food from these healthy snacks often appears to be safe for dogs, but everything? No, not every snack is an ideal snack for dogs. Hence, it is better to keep your dogs away from such snacks, and pistachios are among them. 

As a dog owner, you might have thought of feeding your dog some handful of pistachios. But the risks behind feeding it might have stopped you, isn’t it? Also, read Can Dogs Eat Peanuts?

can dogs eat pistachios

Can dogs eat pistachios – Image source

No worries! In this article, we will discuss pistachios and if dogs can eat them. We will let you know whether or not you can feed your dog pistachios. 

Let’s jump to our first and the most important section of this article: 

Are Pistachios Safe For Dogs? 

Pistachios are not at all safe for your dogs. It is highly recommended and advised by many veteran vets not to feed any dog pistachios as they can encounter many health hazards, and pistachios poisoning. 

Generally, there’s not any harm if your dog consumes a few bits and pieces of pistachios that have fallen on the floor. But including them in their diet can prove to be fatal and you should avoid them at all costs. 

Let’s Read How Pistachios Can be Harmful to Your Dog: 

  • Pistachios are high in fats and also release excessive energy. This can be a prime reason for the inflammation of the pancreas. The inflammation of the pancreas is usually termed as a health hazard called pancreatitis. 
  • Pistachio shells are also very dangerous to dogs as they present a choking hazard in dogs. This can lead to intestinal blockage which can entirely affect the digestive health of the dog. 
  • Pistachio packets sometimes contain salt and food seasonings which can greatly affect your dog’s health. If your dogs consume too much sodium ions from these salted nuts, there are high chances that your dog may incur sodium poisoning. Consuming too much salt can also make your dog suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and excessive thirst. In total, salted pistachios are highly responsible for kidney failure in dogs and make it difficult for dogs to retain water for a long period of time. 
  • Pistachios contain a good amount of phosphorus which makes them a harmful nut for dogs. This can lead to the formation of bladder stones. 

Now let’s dive into something extra in knowing more about what pistachio poisoning is?

Pistachio Poisoning: 

Pistachio is a member of the cashew family and thus contains some vital and healthy benefits for humans but it doesn’t serve the same purpose for dogs. You may hold your positive thoughts for pistachios having so many healthy nutrients and antioxidants. But you can’t deny the fact that dogs are also susceptible to its harmful components. 

Symptoms of Pistachio Poisoning: 

Pistachio contains a harmful component named Aspergillus mold and it is only the main reason behind Pistachio Poisoning. Some of its symptoms are: 

  • Jaundice 
  • Liver failure 
  • Lethargy 
  • Orange-colored urine 
  • Puking 
  • Appetite loss 

What to do if Your Dog Eats Pistachio? 

The reaction towards your dog eating pistachios totally depends on some major factors, which are; 

  • How many pistachios has your dog eaten 
  • Whether the pistachios were shelled or not 
  • Were the pistachios old 

The first and foremost thing you should do is to keep calm and follow the required safety measures carefully, without any anxiety. Every dog owner loves their furry pals but at this point, it is better not to flow with emotions, it’s just about sticking to the remedial actions. 

If you have a puppy who has eaten even a single piece of pistachio, then you should take it to the vet right away. Even a single piece of it can block their intestine and can create digestive disturbances in their body. 

For dogs that are fully grown, one or two pieces of pistachios won’t harm them if they are free from shells and don’t have any seasonings or salt. The case may become worse only when your dogs eat them in excess. In such a case, they can get affected by aflatoxin poisoning. 

The presence of aflatoxin is due to the Aspergillus Mold. It is produced by certain fungus that is majorly found in nut trees, and pistachios are one of those nuts. It is responsible for liver failure and other health issues. 

If your dog responds to any of the symptoms listed above, then it’s better to take it to the vet and get your dog treated. The vet will examine your dog’s whole body functioning and bloodwork.

They will detect any kind of intestinal blockage and other internal obstructions through X-rays and will treat your dog accordingly. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Avocado?

Final Thoughts: 

If you have any questions revolving around your mind regarding the pistachios and the dog, you can probably visit the vet to know about it in detail. However, this article is written in such a way that it brings out all the possible scenarios that may occur when you feed your dogs pistachios or when they eat on their own, out of hunger or fun. 

Pistachios are healthy nuts and many people consume them regularly to gain some health benefits from the essential nutrients present in them. To some extent, it can be said that dogs can also have pistachios to eat fit but only if fed in very small amounts and without any seasonings or salt. Your dog can gain the benefits of vitamin B6, fiber, and potassium but why go for a risky food if you can fulfill the need for these nutritious elements from different dog food and safe fruits? 

In total, it is advised by knowledgeable veterinarians to not give pistachios to your dog, not even in moderation. No doubt that they can digest one or two pieces of pistachio but there is no maturity in going for risky food which can cause problems to your dog at any point in their life.