Can Dogs Eat Mango?

Mangoes have been one of the great reasons to enjoy summer. This tropical tasty treat opens up various eating options for us. They are used in desserts, juices, smoothies, and salads and it never disappoints us in taste and aroma. But the question is whether you can share this piece of tasty treat with your dogs too? Are they comfortable enough to have the soft pulp of sweet mango? Are there any harmful effects on them if they have mango? So essentially, Can Dogs Eat Mango?

Well, the questions are too many but we will try to put forward all the answers before you in an orderly manner. Fruits have always served humans with health benefits but unlike humans, an animal’s digestive system has a different way of functioning. Speak to the veterinarian, and you will come to know which fruits are fully safe for your dogs. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

can dogs eat mango

Can Dogs Eat Mango – Image

Can Dogs Eat Mango Safely? 

The straightforward answer is Yes!. Dogs can safely have mango but only if it is well peeled off, washed, and free from its pit. 

How Can Mango Be Dangerous To Dogs? 

Mango has many health benefits but can be unsafe and unhealthy for dogs under certain circumstances. Read the below points attentively and make sure you cross-check them before feeding your dogs with mangoes. 

  1. Mango Peel

Mango peel is technically edible but it can cause digestive problems for your dog if they eat them. Dogs as well as humans are not much prone to eat such thick skin as it can irritate the digestive tract. Most of the time, fruits are not well washed before eating. Hence, doctors suggest eating skin-free fruits to avoid any kind of germs and poison entering your body. Therefore, it is a mindful act to peel off the skin to avoid the risks of germs entry and other intestinal problems. 

  1. Mango Pit 

Mango pit or what you call mango seed in simple terms can be the prime reason for your dog’s health threat. If you fail to remove it before feeding your dogs, it can choke your dog when they eat it. Even after they eat it, it is very hard for them to digest and can cause health issues and uneasiness in the stomach. It is rich in cyanide which is not at all suitable for dogs as well as humans. Hence, it’s very necessary to remove the pit to prevent any kind of choking or toxicity. 

  1. Rich in fiber 

Mangoes are rich in fiber which the dogs are not used to eating. Hence, eating too many mangoes at a time can upset its stomach and lead to serious health hazards like diarrhea or vomiting.

Some other issues that the dogs can face are: 

  • Eating mangoes too often can lead to dental decay 
  • Can disturb its food cycle at the beginning 

If you are a dog owner and you are afraid after reading the ill effects of mango on your dog, don’t worry! These issues are only encountered if you are not attentive about how you are feeding the mango to your dog. Carelessness and lack of vigilance can be the only reasons for such dangers. 

Here Are Some Of The Benefits Of Feeding Your Dog Mango: 

  • Vitamin A and Vitamin C 

Mangoes are rich in vitamin A & C. Vitamin A promotes great eyesight and clear vision. It assists your dogs to overcome night-blindness and prevent eye disorders like Cartract. Vitamin C can be a great way for your dogs to overcome stress without the intake of any chemical supplements. In short, the minerals and vitamins that are found in mangoes, exceptionally help your dogs to maintain a healthy diet and potential fitness. 

  • Antioxidants 

Antioxidants found in mangoes help dogs to prevent any kind of degenerative disease, skin problems, allergies, and certain forms of cancer. 

  • Dietary Fibre 

Dietary Fiber found in mangoes boosts the functioning of the digestive system and allows a smooth running of the digestive tract. It’s also a great aid for preventing constipation, diarrhea, and upset stomach. 

  • Protein 

Mangoes are rich in proteins too. The high-level protein can be very beneficial for the tissue repair and proper working of muscles. 

  • A summer treat 

Apart from health benefits, mangoes can be a change in taste for the dogs in their diet. Having smaller pulps of mango in summer will refresh their mind and body and will also keep them hydrated. 

How to feed mangoes to your dogs?

Feeding mangoes can be quite an easy task and following a proper procedure can cut off 95% chances of health risk. Follow the below steps carefully if you wish the same. 

  1. Wash the mango thoroughly in running water 
  2. Peel of the skin
  3. Remove the pit 
  4. Cut the mango into smaller cubes so that it does not lead to choking
  5. Feed it to your dog 

A pro-tip to end this section is to never feed your dogs with rotten mangoes. Rotten and bad mangoes can be poisonous for your dogs and can cause serious health issues. 

Feeding your dogs with mangoes will turn out to be an easy task once you are well aware of the benefits and dangers. Make sure you follow all the precautions advised by your veterinarian to ensure that your dogs don’t undergo serious health problems.

The above piece of information can help you out with your confusion and doubts regarding feeding your dog with mangoes. Even then if you are unsure about what to do, visit your veterinarian and check for his pieces of advice and instructions. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Peaches?