Can Dogs Eat Corn?
What comes to your mind when you think of a summertime dish? Well, many food items serve a tasty experience but for some people, corn leads the chart. Sweet corn, popcorn slathered in butter and salt, lightweight corn flakes, etc. describe how yummy and delightful our summer can be with the vividness of corn in food. But the question is, can you share corn with your four-legged friend? Is corn healthy and safe for dogs? Is it digestible for them? In short, can dogs eat corn?
Sit back, take a corn cob and keep reading while eating, to find out all your answers. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Mango?
Is it safe for your dog to eat corn?
The straightforward answer to this is “Yes”. Dogs can eat corn and they will be tempted to have them as well.
Corns have got a good amount of nutritional value as they are rich in several vitamins and minerals. Fair to say that it’s an inexpensive snack to strengthen your dog’s health. Corn is one of the most common cereal grains, hence much recommended by the veterinarian to include it in your dog’s food diet. However, there appear to be many restrictions before you feed your dog with corn and we will move to that in a while. But before that, let’s have a look at why corn is beneficial to your dog.
Corn is good for your dog. Let’s see how.
As said, corn is rich in many nutritional needs which adds it to the list of healthy and nourishing meals. Let’s look at some of the key elements it contains and their usefulness.
Protein along with the amino acids in the corn can serve your dog with special needs like maintaining healthy muscles, clean skin, and hair.
Corn contains easily digestible carbohydrates which makes it edible for your dog. It is a fine resource of energy that can make your dog much more active than before.
Corn contains antioxidants like Vitamin E and beta-carotene which help in improving your dog’s immune system.
Corns have an adequate composition of fiber, not too little nor too much. Hence, it best helps your dog with gut health and motility.
Linoleic acid and Omega-6 fatty acid:
It’s something your dog can not produce on its own. Hence, its presence in the corn makes it a very beneficial food component in their diet. It maintains healthy skin, coat, and immune systems.
What forms of corn should be served to your dog?
Dogs are good friends of humans but can they eat corn in the same form as humans do? No! Definitely not.
As said earlier, corn has some restrictions to follow before serving it to your dog. You just can’t feed them any type of corn or any form of corn or any product that contains corn.
The 5 most common forms or products of corn are listed below. It also states whether it’s safe for your dog or not and if not, then why.
Corn on the cob:
Corn cobs are the biggest threat to your dog. Yes, you read it right, ‘the biggest’. Dogs can enjoy eating the corn on the cob but its taste can’t stop them from eating the leftover cob. Cob is not digestible and this stands as the only yet main reason behind not feeding your dog with the corn cob. It can lead to food pipe blockage, intestinal blockage and can cause severe stomach aches. Hence, it’s better to feed your dog by scraping the corns from the cob and placing them on the plate.
Sweet corn
Sweet corn can be one of those snacks that your dog will enjoy munching the most. But you don’t have to fall into emotions, you can feed them just a little with no seasoning or oil. The sugar content in it is not health-friendly and can cause health issues. It’s a great occasional snack, hence try to provide it very occasionally to avoid any health problems.
Popcorn is good only if you don’t add any other flavors including butter, salt, or another kind of seasoning. Pure air puffed corn is a good source of fiber and won’t trouble your dog if given in proper quantity. Before feeding, check for any unpopped corn and if there’s any, remove it immediately to avoid any choking hazards.
Canned corn
Canned corn is not ideally recommended by veterinarians because of its high sugar content and carbs. It can lead to severe health problems like obesity and diabetes if fed more often. It’s better to consult your veterinarian before feeding your dog the canned corn.
Corn chips
Packed and processed food are never recommended for dogs. Similarly, corn chips are also not advised for dogs. They are deep-fried and seasoned and contain many food additives which can result in your dog having an upset stomach and other serious health issues.
Corn can be a new addition to your dog’s diet list. Hence, your dog may show some kind of intolerance or allergies towards corn. It’s better to approach the veterinarian and know about your dog’s allergies and its interest in corn. Before you visit the veterinarian, you can also check some of the signs of food tolerance and allergies on your own. They are:
Food Tolerance:
- Itchiness
- Ignorance towards the food
- Change in food habits and eating style
- Inflamed skin in some areas
- Hair loss
- Vomiting
- Sneezing
- Diarrhea
- Swelling of body
- Weight loss
If you notice any warning signs listed above after you feed them corn, then you must take your dog to the veterinarian for check-ups and other diagnoses.
Key Takeaways:
Everything you read so far, one thing must be very crystal clear to you: corn is edible, safe, and healthy for your dog! It can be an occasional and delicious treat for your dogs but exceeding the limit can appear to be worrisome.
As of now, you have got the clarity that your furry pal can eat corn, isn’t it great that you can now share and enjoy the delicious corn with your dogs too! But yes, do remember some of the restrictions on corn products you read above. If ignored, it can cost you your dog’s good health. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?