Can Dogs Eat Celery?

If you are also one of those dog owners who wonder if vegetables, and especially green vegetables, are as effective to dogs as they are to humans? If you do, then congratulations, you are at the right place. Today’s topic of discussion will be, whether or not celery is good for dogs.

Vegetables are a healthy and the most vital source of nutrients and are very important in the human diet. But only a few of them make it to the list of dog diets. And it’s safe to say that you can include celery in your dog’s diet as long as it is properly fed. This technically means, yes dogs can eat celery! Also, read Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers?

can dogs eat celery

Can dogs eat celery? Image

How far celery is good for dogs?

Dogs are omnivorous, they rely mainly upon meat but they can easily digest plants too. However, you also need to keep in mind the moderation panel while feeding your dogs green plants. And the same goes for celery. 

As long as celery is fed in the proper proportion, at the proper interval, and by following all the necessary instructions, it can be a standout treat for your dogs. Dogs will enjoy crunching & munching their stick but as long as it is given in small pieces, else it can cause choking hazards. It’s packed with several nutritional supplements and 95% water. Hence it will keep your dog healthy and hydrated for a pretty long age. 

Make sure not to consider it as a full meal for your dogs and just to feed them as an occasional treat. Also, keep reading to know about the benefits of feeding your dog with celery and what safety measures you should be taking care of. It will help you out with your endless odd questions regarding, “Can Dogs Eat Celery?” 

Benefits of feeding your dog with celery: 


Celery is packed with lots of vital vitamins that can greatly benefit your dog. Vitamin A, C, K, and several other vitamins together make celery one of the most nutritious green veggies.

Vitamin K is directly linked with blood clotting and strengthening your dog’s bones. Also, Vitamin C is helpful for your dog’s immune system and keeps them calm in stressful situations. Vitamin A can enhance your dog’s eyesight along with nourishing muscle and skin health.


Celery is not only rich in vitamins but also has several beneficial minerals too. Some of the most important ones are Zinc, Potassium, Manganese, and many others.

Zinc regulates your dog’s digestive health, motility and also strengthens the immune system. Manganese is found effective in maintaining a proper blood sugar level, reduces inflammation, and provides good bone strength too. Potassium on the other hand is responsible to keep your dogs hydrated and free from any kidney problems. It can be very effective and worth feeding them celery if your dog has issues related to its renal system.

Low-Calorie Treat

Celery acts as a perfect aid for people who are on dieting or weight-loss diet because of its low-calorie composition. If you want your pet to satisfy and fulfill their hunger without getting overweight, then feeding them celery is a good option. It keeps the body weight under control and fulfills the nutritional needs of the dog without any additional extra calories.

High Water Content

Celery is composed of 95% water, hence it becomes an outstanding and a certain treat for your dogs in summers. It will not only keep your dog hydrated but also refill their energy level after a session of intensive training and exercises.


Celery contains high-quality antioxidants which are ideally helpful for dogs. Adding celery to your dog’s diet will help it fight against disease-causing germs and bacteria and to minimize their inflammation issues. By eating the leaves of celery, dogs can get a maximum amount of antioxidants, which can protect them from several chronic diseases.


If you want your dog to get free from stomach and constipation issues, feeding them celery is the best way to turn your desires into reality. It promotes good digestion and keeps the weight of the dog under control. However, if it’s eaten in a heavy amount, the dog can then get subjected to diarrhea and vomiting. 

Health Concerns: 

  • Dogs can generally eat and digest raw plants and vegetables. But if eating a lot of celery at one go, they can then witness some serious stomach pains and digestive interruptions. 
  • Sticks of the celery can be a choking hazard for them. Hence make sure to cut it into small pieces so that they can swallow it easily. 
  • Celery is diuretic means, eating too much celery will make their urination irregular and at a quick interval in a single day. Urinating more than usual will affect their kidney and also the renal system. 

How can you feed your dogs celery? 

You now might have been aware of the benefits of feeding your dog celery. But feeding dogs new things has never been an easy task. Even the dogs refuse to taste new food and turn their nose up at it. Hence, it becomes important to know about different ways of feeding your dog celery.

  • Try topping up the celery with some fat-free and less-in-calorie peanut butter.
  • Pair it with different food, with something that’s their favorite.
  • Chop it and mix it into their dog food so that they are not visible to them.

By following such steps, you will find it easy to feed your dog celery and they too will get some high health benefits from it. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?


What are your final thoughts after you have read the whole article? Have you got your answers to the question, “Can dogs eat celery?” With full confidence, you can feed a few important stalks of celery to your beloved dogs and it won’t be harmful. However, moderation is the key. As long as celery is fed in an appropriate amount and with proper care and routine, it will be very effective for your dogs. Go, get some celery from the supermarket and start feeding your dogs. It will be a different scene to watch your dogs trying new treats.