Can Dogs Eat Blackberries?

Can dogs eat blackberries? – When it comes to offering a tasty, mouth-watering, sweet, and flavorful snack to your dog, there can be a long list before you but blackberries stand out to be at the top.

Blackberry is one of those delicious fruits that can be a safe option to feed to your dog. It almost serves the same health benefits to the dog as it does to a human being. So why can’t we share some of our blackberries with them? Also, read Can Dogs Eat Cherries?

can dogs eat blackberries

can dogs eat blackberries? Image

Why read this article? 

In this article, we will read out major health benefits that your dog can gain after eating blackberries. Whether or not there is any risk of feeding blackberries to them, and if yes what are they? We will be covering all such major queries and will put before you the most valid answers. 

The Blackberry! 

Before reading further, it becomes important that you know about blackberries briefly because people often get confused between the blackberry and the black raspberry as they are similar in their respective names. Though dogs can eat both of these berries, it is important to know the differences between the two. 

When you pluck black raspberries from the bush, the central core of this fruit remains attached to the bush which is not the case with the blackberries that come out fully from the bush when plucked. No such remains! 

I hope it’s now clear and you know the differences between the two. Let’s now move to our next section. 

Benefits of Feeding Blackberries to Your Dog: 

This delicious fruit has nutritional value added to it. Let’s see what wonders blackberries can do to your dog when fed.

Vitamin A & Vitamin C:

These are a part of the essential vitamin list that is found in high content in blackberries. They promote good vision, help in enzyme breakdown in the body, and also reduce inflammation.

Vitamin K: 

This is one of the essential vitamins that play a major role in blood clotting, coagulation, and the prevention of excessive bleeding. 


Everybody, be it human or your dog, requires a good amount of minerals for proper body functioning. Blackberries contain traces of minerals like manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, and many others, promoting the growth of the cells, muscles, tissues, and ligaments of your dog’s body.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

This is a vital acid that plays a major role in the dog’s body to promote a healthy coat and skin. It also helps in enhancing your body functions and gives your dog’s heart good health.


Antioxidants rich food like blue, purple, and red fruits help to fight free radicals which are responsible for the oxidation damage to cells. They also boost the immune system of the dog and also contain anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.


Fiber is one such major constituent in food that is very necessary for dogs. This is the reason why blackberries become more in demand in the market, all because of the fiber composition in them. It helps your dog to prevent constipation, eases stool movement, and overall promotes a healthy digestive system.

Low Calories: 

Only a few fruits have low calories, and blackberries are one among them. It contains only 62 calories, which makes blackberries an acceptable treatment for obese dogs. 

With so many health benefits that the blackberries offer, is there anything to fear from?

Risks of Feeding Blackberries to Your Dog: 

Fruits are generally termed as foods for humans, hence if you are trying any human food on your dog, its digestive health may not accept it. Similarly, there are chances that blackberries too can bring out some health hazards on your dogs when they eat them. We will be reading about the same in this section. 

Apart from fresh blackberries, there are also wild blackberries available in the market, so make sure you have a decent knowledge of blackberries before you buy them for your dog. Wild blackberries often grow in the gardens too, hence if you are someone who is nourishing a wild blackberry plant, it is suggested that you either cut down that bush or prevent your dog from reaching there. Wild blackberries can lead to digestive problems in your dog. 

Never ever offer holly berries, juniper berries, and mistletoe berries to your dog. These are highly poisonous berries that can spread toxicity in your dog’s body when eaten by them. 

It is also important to monitor the number of blackberries you are feeding to your dog. Too many blackberries mean too much fiber intake by your dog, which can ultimately affect your dog’s digestive health. It can also lead to vomiting, gas, indigestion, and many other health issues. 

Every fruit and vegetable poses a choking hazard in dogs, and the situation becomes critical if it’s a small dog (puppy). Hence it is better to cut blackberries into two to avoid any kind of blockage or choking issues.

Blackberry contains xylitol, a sweetener present in most fruits that can cause problems like diabetes in your dog if eaten in excess amounts. It also affects the proper functioning of the kidney and can even lead to kidney failure causing the death of the dog. Also, read Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Final Thoughts: 

Now you might be pretty much sure what the answer will be to the question, “Can Dogs Eat Blackberry?“. Well, it’s really a great fruit that can add multiple health benefits to your dog’s life if eaten in moderation and with proper precautions. 

Being a dog owner, you should never overlook the fact that blackberries too contain some health risk factors, not many but enough to degrade your dog’s health. Hence, follow all the safety measures in a correct manner. 

For more vividness in the food options for your dogs, you can also mix blackberries with some other fresh and healthy fruits to make different flavor smoothies and your dog will love it too. 

So what are you waiting for? Feed blackberries to your dog today and let them consume essential nutrients from this healthy packed fruit.