German Shepherd – Dog Breed Information

Humans love to have a good, loyal, playful, and funny four-legged companion. And when it comes to a big, lovely, fluffy, and dark coated-skinned German Shepherd, how can someone not think about it? 

Are you looking forward to having a fluffy, four-legged family member but not able to decide which one to choose? Let me tell you, the German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds for its lovely characteristics. They are one of the most intelligent dogs and capable of hard-working jobs too. They are famous for working with the police. Their courage and devotion are worth complimenting. In this article, you will get to know more about German Shepherds and get a brief yet sufficient idea about them. Also, read Blue Pitbull – Dog Breed Information

german shepherd

german shepherd Image


Some German shepherds were brought to France during World War I by Corporal Lee Duncan. After the war, the dogs were taken back to their hometown in America. Duncan trained them and turned them into famous dogs in a dog show. From where they got chances to appear in lots of movies. Other than working in movies they also got jobs leading the blinds, serving the military, catching criminals, visiting the sick, smelling illegal things, and much more. German Shepherd also took the role of national hero by rescuing the survivors of the World Trade Center of the 9/11 terrorist attack.


  • This breed of dog is suspicious in nature which makes them a perfect watchdog. This breed of dogs will not welcome the guests by sweet gesture. They don’t make friends easily. If the dog owners make their German Shepherd adaptable to many familiar situations, they can learn to act friendly to new people whom they encounter with their masters.
  • Their size varies from 22 to 26 inches, females are usually shorter than the male GSD. Their weight varies from 75 to 95 pounds. They have soft fluffy ears, dark almond-shaped eyes, a typical black square nose, and a long bushy tail.
  • These dogs are bred in flocks in a cold climate. Their double coat fur acts as protection from rain and snow in harsh environments. Their coat color ranges from black, cream, and black, red to black, silver and black, tan and black, grey, blue, and white. The upper coat is heavy and dense with wavy straight hair which helps them to avoid any exterior obstacles that can cause injury to their skin.
  • They live up to 12 to 14 years. During their lifetime they can face a lot of health problems like Degenerative Myelopathy, Cancer, Elbow & Hip Dysplasia, Bloat, and Allergies.
  • These dogs have various kinds of approaches towards different situations or job roles. When they are doing any job like serving the military or tracking something, they will be very dedicated and focused. But when they are with their family, they will show their silly, playful side by rolling, flipping, and playing on the ground.

Things to keep in mind:

Having a dog is a responsibility. We have to provide them food, shelter, medicines, and all the love they deserve. When you are keeping a German Shepherd, you should keep some things in your mind. You have to commit yourself to their health and betterment and a lot many more things. Let’s see what they are.

1) Health Issues:

German shepherds are healthy dogs. A responsible owner will visit the vet regularly, do the test on time, and treat them as their family members. This breed can experience life-threatening swelling in the abdomen. You should know about the symptoms. Restlessness, distended stomach, pacing, panting, rapid breathing, and painful abdomen are some of the common symptoms.

2) Proper Grooming:

A German Shepherd should be groomed properly. They have a double, medium-length coat of dense, harsh, and close-lying upper coat with a soft lower or undercoat. Their maintenance is easy if you do it regularly. Their hair requires quick brushing within an interval of a few days to remove loose hair. Still, they shed in large amounts for about 1-2 times a year. This breed needs very few baths. It is important to cut down their nails every month to avoid pain and structural issues caused by overly long nails.

3) Exercise and Workout:

German shepherds are a very active and athletic breed. They need lots of exercise for their physical and mental health. A dog with a lack of exercise can turn into a frustrating creature and can perform undesirable activities. From the time they are a puppy, you can take them on a daily walk, run, and play with them within boundaries or fenced areas. They will love catching and fetching. Playing with dogs will keep you active too.

4) Quality Food:

A Good quality dog needs good quality food, according to their age (puppy, adult, or senior). If you don’t feed them the right amount of food at the right age, it can upset their digestive system. If you are cooking at home, avoid cooking bones and food with high fat. Small snacks can be given as treats for training. Adding some cooked vegetables, eggs or milk can be good but should be fed in moderation.

5) Emotional Breed:

You shouldn’t keep a German Shepherd dog if you are away from home frequently or for a long time. They become bored and lonely when they are left alone. When they are worried, they bark, chew, and break the things that they don’t like.

So, after reading the above, I hope you got an idea if the German Shepherds are really the ones for you. They are lovely animals to keep as a companion. They cost between $1500 to $3000 but denying to buy this dog just because of its high price, doesn’t make sense as per their standards. 

It is also important to find trusted and credible breeders so that you get a genuine breed. You can also find German Shepherds free of cost in some animal shelters that are looking for their forever home with a lovely family but make sure you check their certifications. Also, read White German Shepherd – Dog Breed Information

So, why delay? Go and bring home now, the most demanded and the stunning German Shepherd!