Blue Pitbull – Dog Breed Information

American Pitbull Terriers have drawn the attention of almost everyone with their cute little face, blocky head, a bold walking body having a broad chest, resembling fighting tankers. Each pitbull has got something unique that you will start loving the moment you see it but some Pitbulls are rarer. The most unique of all is the Blue Nosed Pitbull or sometimes it’s just called Blue Pitbull.

You must be thinking what’s so special about the Blue Pitbulls. Just a blue nose? Or, is there something more that people miss to get? There is so much confusion and suspense hidden behind the Blue Pitbull’s history and the reason behind its uniqueness. Keep reading to find out what you are missing about Blue Nosed Pitbulls. 

Common Misconception: 

Before moving any further, it’s important to clear out certain common yet major misconceptions that the people have sustained over a long period about Blue Pitbulls. 

Pitbull is a common term that denotes various dog breeds, like American Pitbull Terrier, the Staffordshire Terrier, and the American Staffordshire Terrier. These are different breeds with similar characteristics and history. But the Blue Pitbulls are not a separate breed, they are just a unique form of the American Pitbull Terriers or a mix of both American Pitbull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier. Also, read Top 5 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds

History of Blue Pitbulls:

During the early 19th Century, the Terrier and the Bull Dog were crossbred, for a simple reason: To promote athleticism and muscular strength. This is from where the Pitbulls came into existence. Blue Pitbulls are the same Pitbulls but with a different color of nose, skin, eyes, and toenails, that is, bluish-gray or evident blue.

Why Blue To The Appearance? 

It’s a good question, and dog owners who plan to buy blue Pitbulls, ask it often. To understand it well, you need to have a decent knowledge of medical sciences and DNA. But understanding DNA is not everyone’s cup of tea. But, we will try to give it a simple touch to make you understand easily. 

Certain Pitbulls carry a recessive gene in their trait and this recessive gene is the only reason behind the blue pigmentation of the nose. The breeders look for such parents that carry this recessive gene and not the dominant one and they make them breed together. Such rare dogs are hard to be found but the breeders have their own methods of finding them. This is the reason why blue-nosed Pitbulls are rare and costly. 

A Quick Glance At Their Common Characteristics: 

  • Lifespan:

If your blue pitbull is an American Pitbull Terrier, then it can live for around 8-15 years of age while it can live for 12-16 years of age if it’s a Staffordshire Terrier. 

  • Height:

They are generally a foot or two tall. However, they can grow taller if they are mixed with larger breeds like Mastiff, American, Boxer, etc. 

  • Weight:

With its vividness of bully breeds, an average blue pitbull weighs around 30-85 pounds. However, they can even exceed more than 100 pounds with their increasing height. 

  • Look:

Like the name states, blue Pitbulls are not fully blue, it’s just some of their body parts that have blue pigmentation, and that too is not smurfed blue. The color is usually said to be blue but it’s diluted black ranging from grayish-blue to silverish blue color. They have similar body outlines like that of normal Pitbulls but have blue eyes and toenails and sometimes a blue-colored coat, unlike the other Pitbulls. Also, read Top 10 Big White Fluffy Dog Breeds

How Safe Is It To Keep A Blue Nose Pitbull? 

Pitbulls are often considered fighting dogs and are dangerous. Its bulged-out body, sharp jaws, bold and aggressive look, and action can make you confuse whether they are safe to keep or not. 

If you are training a blue-nosed Pitbull puppy from a very young age, you will find that they are such kind-hearted and predictable animals. Training, socializing, and disciplining your blue pitbull will turn them into a non-threatening companion in the years to come.

Benefits Of Having Blue Pitbulls As Pets:

  • They are affectionate:

Blue Pitbulls are very good and affectionate as living beings. They accept the friendly nature offered to them by the family members and respect the loving bond between them and the kids and the owners. However, it’s always advisable to keep a close watch on them so that they don’t hurt your kid accidentally. 

  • They are athletic:

They are very active pet dogs and they love to explore new things, run, play and roam around with their owners. The genes transferred to them by the bulldog parents make them muscularly fit and strong. Pitbulls are known for their jumps, they can easily jump to a few feet easily but it’s important to train and discipline them so that they don’t jump onto your precious furniture and other people around. 

  • They are healthy pals:

Because of them being very active, Pitbulls are not greatly prone to health issues. However, regular training and exercise will ensure they boost their health and lower down temperament for long periods. 

  • They are easy to groom:

They are easy to groom and very thanks to their short hair. This not only reduces grooming efforts but also benefits the dog owner with fewer expenditures on the grooming kits. 

  • They are intelligent:

Another good reason to add a blue pitbull to your family squad is their intelligence. They are very active and also have the willingness to learn new things which makes it easy for the dog owners to train them. 

Hope this read has cleared all your confusion and misconceptions about the blue-nosed Pitbull. There are many myths and truths about the blue Pitbulls that are necessary for you to know and hopefully, we have covered all the points in a single read. 

Now that you have decided to bring a blue pitbull to your home, try to search for a genuine and high-quality breeder. Trustworthy breeders will help you out in distinguishing between real blue Pitbulls and fake ones and would make your work effortless. Also, read Top 5 Black Dog Breeds

So what are you waiting for? Bring home the rare blue-nosed pitbull and enjoy its company for the years to come.